Betty Sinclaire

Languages, Librarian
Betty Sinclaire wno died on June 12, 2003 was a classics major whose interest in the subject never waned. She traveled to Rome to visit the ruins there, and was a life member of the American Classical League, the Classical Assn.of New England, and the Vergilian Society, which is named after the great Roman poet Vergil and dedicated to furthering knowledge of ancient Rome and Greece. She graduated from Bates cum laude and a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and then received a Master's in library science in literature from Wesleyan in 1959 and a master's in classics from Trinity in 1968. She taught briefly at Brunswick (Maine) High School and then for 25 years at Cromwell High School in Connecticut. She then became a librarian at the school for six years, and finally a library assistant in the public library in Rocky Hill, Conn., for 10 years until retirement in 1986. She was a life member of the library, the Rocky Hill Historical Society, the Connecticut Education Assn., the National Education Assn., and AARP. She was treasurer of the Connecticut Women of the United Church of Christ and played handbells at her church.

Obituary from the Bates College online magazine

Staff Memorial page