Florence Ostergren

Kindergarten, Nathaniel White

Florence Hanson Ostergren, who taught in the Cromwell school system before retiring, died in April 1989 at home after a long illness. She was 78.

Ostergren, who lived at Pilgrim Manor in Cromwell, was a member of the Bethany Covenant Church in New Britain, where she was a member of the Covenant Women, Missionary Sewing and Afternoon groups. She formerly served on the church board of deacons. She was also a member of the Connecticut Retired Teachers Association.

Ostergren was born in New Britain, where she lived until moving to Cromwell in 1984. She was the daughter of the late Emil and Teckla Hanson and widow of Harold Ostergren. She leaves a sister, Helen Bilger of Meriden; and many nieces and nephews.

A graveside service is scheduled Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Swedish Cemetery in Portland.

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