Senior Class - 1972

Names with links can be clicked on for new pictures and/or information.
A denotes a death. A link leads to a family page.

Carol Adamowicz

James Allegretti

James Astle

Louise Axelson

Linda Bednarz

Penelope Berggren

Elizabeth Branciforte

James Branciforte

Joseph Branciforte

Michael Brauer

L Nathan Butler []

Brian Cassella

Guy Caso

Anita Centofanti

Robert Coburn

Wayne Coste

Roger Cote

James Curtin

Deborah Dahlgren

Marie Damiata

Harold Davidson

Nancy DeFelice

Clifford DeMore

Lee Dickinson

Richard DiStefano

Kevin Fall

Mary Federko

Heidi Fletcher

Deborah Frank

Thomas Franklin

Elizabeth Garafalo

Allyn Elizabeth Goodrich

Paul Harrington

Patricia Harris

Robert Haydon

Donna Hennessey
Diana Higson
Patricia Hill

Terry Ann Hoog

Anthony Hull

Hollis Huntley

Janet Jablonski

Deborah Jacobson

David Johnson

Martha Johnson

Marie Johnston

Peggy Kelsey

Thomas Keyes

Dorothy Kochy

Kenneth LaMarr

Kevin LaMarr

David Libera

David Loza

Donald Loza

John Luistro

Beverly Maher

Gail Mancarella

Ann Marie Margerelli

James McIntyre

Carolyn Miller

Dean Miller

Nancy Miner

Francis Monahan

Clifford Mussen

Dennis Nash

Peter Negrini

Gary Nelson

Christine Nielson

Cherie Norton

Katherine Olson

Marie Pantanella

Caryl Parda

Joyce Parkinson

Jilana Post

Maureen Robbins

Peter Rondeau

Raymond Rouleau

Paul Rousseau

Gail Scoville

John Shaskas

Nancy Simons

Thomas Slater

Denise Smith

Lori Sobczak

Heather Strickland

Deborah Sweet

John Thayer

Kathleen Manlove Thompson

William Tierney

Nancy Waller

Albert Weston

Joan Wicke

Mark Woike

Randall Yasny

Clifford Yeske

Foreign Exchange (FX)

Pedro Ivo de Silveiro Lobo -- FX Brazil

Sandra Vargas
FX Guatamala

Cromwell Students at Mercy High School
Class of 1972

Janet Ashley

Bridget Banic

Lori Beauchemin

Anne-Marie Bradley

Lisa Compagnone

Doris Durkin

Gail Kozlowski

Kathryn Schilke

Susan Stolba

Barbara Taylor

Katherine Valk

Holly Yule

Cromwell Students at Xavier High School
Class of 1972

Joseph Adamo

Santo Branciforte

Michael Cannata

Albert Dadario *

Patrick Dowd

Geoffrey Giacco

Gary Goodrich

Michael Greaves

Mark Kondracky

David Marino

Randall McNamara

Cornelius Millane

Paul Morello

Jeffrey Murphy

David Visconti

* Albert Dadario had lived in Cromwell in grade school but had moved to Portland before he went to Xavier.