Class of 1972 - Kindergarten

Mrs. Griswold's class

The top row is from the whole class graduation photo. The second row were the individual class photos.

Chris Atkinson

Lori Beauchemin

Penny Berggren

AnnMarie Bradley

Rusty Brainerd

Holly Branciforte

James Branciforte

Nathan Butler

Eddie Caso

Richard Corchulo

Cliff DeMore

Danny Dickerson

Albert Didario

Rick DiStefano

David Dohl

Wayne Duffy

Jimmy Galvin

Geoffrey Giacco

Bobby Hayden

Donna Hennesy

Cathy Higgly

Holly Huntley

David Johnson

Gary Johnson

Gary Keys

Kenny LaMarre

Marty Lessor

John Luistro

Jeffrey Maddock

Beverly Maher

Gail Mancarella

Dave Marino

Cathy Marseglia

Mark McCann

Dolores Milardo

Neal Millane

Darlene Morello

Paul Morello

Jeff Murphy

Joe Palmeri

Jill Post

Anita Pupedis

Risa Robida

Peter Rondeau

Kathy Schilke

Keith Schultz

Gail Scoville

Denise Smith

Lori Sobczak

Susan Stolba

Matthew Townsend

Mark Woike

Holly Yule

Rose last name unknown

Tony last name unknown

Name Unknown