Mrs. Griswold's class
The top row is from the whole class graduation photo. The second row were the individual class photos.
Chris Atkinson |
Lori Beauchemin |
Penny Berggren |
AnnMarie Bradley |
Rusty Brainerd |
Holly Branciforte |
James Branciforte |
Nathan Butler |
Eddie Caso |
Richard Corchulo |
Cliff DeMore |
Danny Dickerson |
Albert Didario |
Rick DiStefano |
David Dohl |
Wayne Duffy |
Jimmy Galvin |
Geoffrey Giacco |
Bobby Hayden |
Donna Hennesy |
Cathy Higgly |
Holly Huntley |
David Johnson |
Gary Johnson |
Gary Keys |
Kenny LaMarre |
Marty Lessor |
John Luistro |
Jeffrey Maddock |
Beverly Maher |
Gail Mancarella |
Dave Marino |
Cathy Marseglia |
Mark McCann |
Dolores Milardo |
Neal Millane |
Darlene Morello |
Paul Morello |
Jeff Murphy |
Joe Palmeri |
Jill Post |
Anita Pupedis |
Risa Robida |
Peter Rondeau |
Kathy Schilke |
Keith Schultz |
Gail Scoville |
Denise Smith |
Lori Sobczak |
Susan Stolba |
Matthew Townsend |
Mark Woike |
Holly Yule |
Rose last name unknown |
Tony last name unknown |
Name Unknown |