Senior Class - 1970
Names with links can be clicked on for new pictures and/or information.
A denotes a death. A link leads to a family page.
See also: Full Index to Classmates

Roseanne Aleksiewicz

Gene Allegretti

Carol Ambler

Kathleen Anderson

Denise Annino

Douglas Bacon

Ray Brainard

Francis Branciforte

Claudia Brauer

Jeanette Brennan

David Butler []

Keith Byrd

Gail Byrnes

Anthony Camilleri

Peter Cannata

Audrey Caruso

Charles "Bill" Caruso

Bernard Centofanti

Judith Chamberlain

John Clark []

Linda Clarke

Thomas Coccomo

Mary Jo Corvo

George Coste

Deborah Cote

Nancy Crooks

Frederic Curtin

Janet Czepiel

Seb Damiata

Sam DiProto

David Dlugolenski

Edward Dlugolenski

Stephen Donovan

Elaine Duffy

Debra Eager

Pamela Erdmann

Tom Fitzpatrick

Maureen Flynn

Susan Flynn

Gay Foster

Karen Fowles

Nancy Freudenstein

Judith Garofalo

Paul Gayeski

Nanci Goddard

Lynn Hagel

Richard Harris

Virginia Havron

Gerald Hayden

Debra Haydon

Linda Hebbe

Beverly Herrmann

Sandra Hill

Benjamin Incerti

Linda Jacobson

Lorenzo Johnson

Peter Johnson

Henry Johnston

Diane Kalber

Catherine Kowaleski

Ronnie LaMarre

Bonnie Lawrence

Kent Leghorn

Francis Leroy

Sylvia Lewis

Margaret Lindquist

Robert Marchi

Sandra McCann []

James McNeil

Pamela Messer

David Miller

Elizabeth Monnes

Elizabeth Murphy

Daniel Mussen

Frederick Nelson

Patricia Niesyn

Thom Oslander

Ann Pagano

Gary Phillips

Gary Race

Mark Rose

Mark Roy

James Sanders

Gerald Seagrave

Laura Sekscenski

Diane Sergi

John Shaw

Joy Sheehan[]

Ernest Siecienski

Diane Silvester

Michael Singarella

Carol Stanley

Susan Stevens

Susan Stoptra

Richard Sullivan

Raymond Swol

Terry Tatro

Billy Taylor

Janice Verlato

Gale Wicke

Robert Woike

Raul Aronsohn FX

Lucia Solis FX

Oscar Troncoso FX
Class of 1970, Cromwell Students at Mercy High School

Gail Bartosiak

Elizabeth Chagas

Claudia Degregorio

Carol DiProto

Marilyn Griffith

Kathleen Kowalewski

Susan Kozlowski

Mary Ann Lanteri

Karen Pagano

Joan Valk

Sandra Wilson

Jane Yerrington
Class of 1970, Cromwell Students at Vinal Regional Technical School
Class of 1970, Cromwell Students at Wilson High School

Michael Gengler

James Hogaboom

Robert Hull

Harold Huntley
Class of 1970, Cromwell Students at Xavier High School

Tom Bajorek

Michael Bergeron

Alexander (Lexy) Chalko

Gary Faraci

Michael Foley

Theodore Gorczyca

James (Skip) Hurley

David Ireland

Richard McCormick

Arthur (Buddy) McDowell

John Miller *Xavier

Scott Murphy

George Powers

John Rochette

Gary Thompson

Gary Wnek *Xavier
Class of 1970, Other Former Classmates

Ed Anderson
Lyman Hall HS, Wallingford, CT

Rody Bazzano
Noweca, W. Hartford, CT

BetteAnn Beatrice
Lyman Hall HS, Wallingford, CT

James Botelle
Perry Hall H.S.,
Baltimore, MD

Lillian Colangelo
Conard High School,
W. Hartford, CT

James Cope
Wethersfield High School

Jay Frederickson
Richards High School, Oaklawn, IL

Bob Godwin
Portland High School

Janet Kerpchar
St. Joseph High School, Trumbull, CT

Tim Marseglia
Middletown High School

Richard Marshall
Hand High School, Madison, CT

Paul Monnes
Norwalk Ohio High School

Ken (Kip) Peterson
Middletown High School

Stephan Satagaj
Middletown High School

Mitchell Townsend
Canton High School
If you are a former member of the Cromwell class of 1970 and would like to add your senior picture, we would be happy to have it.