Cyndy Billingham Bizon

Joel, Cyndy, and their German Short-haired pointer, CJ
I graduated from UConn pharmacy school in 1971 and have been working in retail pharmacy ever since. I moved to Maine in 1973 and now live in Saco, Maine just south of Portland. Up until a few years ago, I got back to Cromwell often, as my Mom still lived on Prospect Hill Rd. She finally moved up here in 2003 to be nearer to us and we sold the house in Cromwell. Some of you may remember that my mom, Evelyn, was the secretary to the superintendent of schools in Cromwell. She passed away in Aug 2004 at the age of 90!
My husband Joel and I have been together for several years...made it official in Feb of 2003 with a great party! Joel is also a pharmacist. He works for Rite Aid in our area after many years in management with CVS. I now work for Shaw's/Osco Pharmacy.We have also run our own corporation, acquiring, re-habbing and managing rental real estate.We had twin cardiac episodes in 2005 (see below), but are doing better now and looking forward to less work and more golf. Along with our German short-haired pointer, CJ, we divide our time (as much as the work schedules allow) between Maine and our place in Estero, Fl.
Mailing address is P.O. Box 733, Saco, Me 04072.
We had a wonderful time at the all-school reunion and especially at the class of '66 40th. It was a special time with great friends who haven't seemed to age at all. Amazing how the years seem to disappear when we get together.
This is an article about our heart "events" that appears in the Feb 2007 issue of Family Circle (page 126). Joel and I were honored to have our story chosen to accompany the Heart Health article as it is a way to increase awareness of heart issues, especially as women's heart symptoms can be different. It is my hope that research may someday be able to identify those at risk for the type of event that I suffered. We have also become advocates for the placement of AED's (portable defibrillators like those that you see in airports) in more public places. If I hadn't been standing in front of a nurses' station where a cardiologist happened to be writing a report when I was stricken, the chances are that I wouldn't have been treated in time.
(information as of February 2007)